Established in 1985, the Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program (NCIP) directs tourist-generated dollars directly back into the City’s residential neighborhoods.

The CONA Representatives are:

Shelly Schmidt – Primary

Hi! I’m Shelly, the newly appointed NCIP representative. My husband and I moved to the Casanova Oak Knoll neighborhood in 2013. We loved the community then, and we love it even more today. After a 4-year term on the city’s Architectural Review Committee, I wanted to continue to contribute to our city and more importantly, our wonderful neighborhood. I am excited to continue the hard work Mr. Richard Ruccello began and look forward to meeting you and hearing your ideas on how to continue improving the Casanova Oak Knoll neighborhood! 

Chelsea Lenowska – Alternate

My name is Chelsea, and I am looking forward to serving as your NCIP Alternate. My wife grew up in the home that we are now raising our young son in on Airport Rd. It took us a while to find our way back to Monterey, but we are thrilled to be a part of this wonderful neighborhood. I’m often out walking my toddler or a white fluffy dog, so please say hello and share your thoughts about what improvements we can make to make our neighborhood even better!